Stage Four Five Months Later

James 5:14–15 (NAS):  Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;  and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if…

The Better Option

Cancer instances in America are on the rise. That remains one of the main reasons I have for writing at this page. Though more common is the disease yet, has anyone ever seen TV ads for Chemo products? Not so much? Why is that? I could enumerate the many reasons/angles for this, but, the simple…

“For Better or Worse” Part 1

All the times when I’ve considered the future in my years on earth, I never gave a second thought to the idea of injecting myself intravenously, daily. This is something many have to live with for several different reasons. But me having Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma was not a concern either, earlier in life. And then I…


I’ve been trying to weigh on a weekly basis. Last week I weighed 193 and have been there for maybe a few weeks (I weighed 215-220 just prior to 2018 and 230 two years ago). I’ve seen an increase in food consumption over the last few weeks because I’ve been able to digest it. I’d…

The Tooth is Out

My capped, infection is out! For your information, this component of the last five months effort actually began when my detox began. From the moment I went onto a live food, plant-based diet my whole body began detoxification. Along with the ELM (Electro Lymphatic Therapy) my body’s defenses became heightened and points of infection became…

“Sleep No More” Wired Magazine

This article is about a rare inherited disease. The issues it reveals about how we process our prospects of daily life after receiving a life ending medical diagnosis are right on the mark.  There are many issues that one may not ever consider, absent such a trial. What do you think about how these “young…